Friday, October 22, 2010



The word maroon long been taken
as the Brazilian form of a term Angolan kilombu
(In Kimbundu, the main language of Angola and
say, 'camp', 'village', 'camp'). However,
modern Brazilian studies on this subject have
demonstrated that Angola played quilombo
a role completely opposite to the Quilombo
Brazil. [...] The maroons had to Angola
as an instrument of the slave trade in Africa
unlike the Brazilian who was always a pole
resistance to slavery.

(AZEVEDO, Antonio Carlos A. Dictionary of names, historical terms and concepts. Rio
de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1990, p. 329.)


But the persecution and punishment were not violent,
no means sufficient to prevent leakage,
quilombos and multiplied by all the provinces.
The fugitive sought in general, sites
inaccessible to hide, such as
woods or hills, although not to leave too
the villages ...

(LIMA, Lana Lage da Gama. Rebellion black abolitionism. Rio de Janeiro, Achiamé,
1981, p. 29.)

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