Esta gravura de Debret mostra no início do século XIX uma das formas em que o escravo era castigado. Na imagem principal vemos um capataz branco açoitando um negro escravo. O escravo esta amarrado e com as pernas e braços cruzados por um pau. Este método foi usado até recentemente, final da décadas de 80 pela polícia brasileira para extrair confissões de suspeitos. É o chamado pau-de-arara.
Quando entrei na polícia este método já tinha sido abolido, tanto é que nunca vi alguém ser torturado desta forma. Apenas ouvi váris histórias contadas pelos mais antigos. Infringir sofrimento físico ou ameaça-lo de fazer sempre foi uma prática adotada na humanidade para impor medo, respeito e submissão. Razão pela qual sou a favor de castigos físicos como método de penalidade com fazem alguns países do Oriente, em especial as nações muçulmanas baseadas na lei Sharia. Sei que minhas convicções são impopulares e não servem para eu candidatar-me a nenhum presépio como cordeiro. Mas sou suficientemente inteligente para não aplicar minhas convicções no meu trabalho, caso contrário já teria arrumado confusão na corregedoria e na pior nas hipóteses estaria preso e expulso da polícia por CRIME HEDIONDO DE TORTURA.
É óbvio que as cenas da pintura de Debret são reprováveis. Eu não sei o que estes escravos fizeram, mas quem escraviza o próximo baseado apenas em conceito de etnia é que deveria ir para o pau-de-arara. O pior que estes cretinos fizeram não foi bater nos negros, foi eles mandarem negros açoitarem negros como se vê na imagem ao fundo. Acredito que muitos escravos que açoitavam seu irmãos sofriam mais na sua consciência do que o que apanhava sofria em sua carne.
Imagino o estado de espírito deste negro no pau-de-arara, o uo outro amarrado na árvore. Além de sofrem como escravo sem espectativa nenhuma de progresso na vida, ainda tinham que suportar humilhações terríveis como esta. Imagine você amarrado e tomando açoites nas costas diante da sua mulher e filhos, além da condição de escravo.
Sinceramente me alegro quando vejo alguns negros do meu círculo de conhecidos estarem posição social melhor. Foram séculos de sofrimento por pertencer a uma etnia de escravos, pobres e bandidos. Cada negro que vence na vida deve ser um exemplo da igualdade entre os humanos independente da cor da sua pele.
Estes dias fiz um Curso intensivo de 40 dias de carreira policial e um dos meus professores era o delegado Cunha, um negro azulão com vários cursos pela SWAT. A uma hora atrás antes de publicar esta postagem o Investigador Reginaldo (negro-azulão) também trouxe suspeitos para a minha sala para serem interrogados e gosto de ver negros na polícia, pois isso inibe os que tem pré-disposição ao racismo. Assim, nunca vi algum bandido ao tomar "dura" ser humilhado por algum policial com palavras tipo: "negro safado", "preto filho da ...." ou outros termos chulos com teor racial.
O racismo é como a febre aftosa, nunca mais tivemos no nosso rebanho, mas também nunca devemos deixar de aplicar vacina repudiando qualquer forma de humilhação racial para que nunca mais na HISTÓRIA DO BRASIL, um negro seja espancado na rua pela simples condição étnica e da cor das sua pele.
This site defends slavery as a method of criminal punishment and a way of civil indemnity. The Bible both the New and the Old Testament allows slavery. I am against racial slavery and colonial. (By scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
Friday, October 29, 2010
This engraving shows Debret in the early nineteenth century one of the ways in which the slave was punished. In the main image we see a white foreman whipping a black slave. The slave is tied up and with folded arms and legs with a stick. This method was used until recently, the late 80's by the Brazilian police to extract confessions from suspects. It's called stick-to-rail.
When police went into this method had already been abolished, so much that I never saw anyone being tortured this way. Just heard several stories from the ancients. Infringe physical suffering or threat to do it has always been a practice adopted to strike fear in humanity, respect and submission. That is why I am in favor of physical punishment as a penalty method to make some Eastern countries, particularly Muslim nations based on Sharia law. I know that my beliefs are unpopular and are not intended for me to apply myself to any crib like lamb. But I'm smart enough not to enforce my beliefs in my work, otherwise I would have tidied confusion in internal affairs and at worst in the assumptions would be arrested and expelled from the police for the heinous crimes of TORTURE.
It is obvious that the scenes painting Debret are reprehensible. I do not know what these slaves did, but who enslaves the next based only on the concept of ethnicity is that it should go to the stick-to-rail. The worst that these cretins did not beat us black people, they send black lash them was black as seen in the background image. I believe that many slaves who whipped his brethren suffered more in your awareness of what caught suffered in his flesh.
I imagine the mood of the black stick-to-macaw, and the other tied to the tree. Besides suffering as a slave with no expectation of any progress in life, they still had to endure terrible humiliation like this. Imagine you tied up and taking blows on the back before his wife and children, besides the condition of a slave??
Frankly I'm happy when I see some black people in my circle of acquaintances are in better social position. It took centuries of suffering for belonging to an ethnic group of slaves, poor and bandits. Every black man who wins in life should be an example of equality among human beings regardless of color of their skin.
These days I did an intensive course of 40 days of his police career and one of my teachers was delegated Cunha, a black bluebird with several courses for SWAT. An hour ago before publishing this post Investigator Reginald (black-bluebird) also suspects brought to my room to be questioned and I like to see blacks in the police, because it inhibits those who are predisposed to racism. So, I never saw any bad guys to take "tough" being humiliated by a policeman with words like "black bastard", "black son of a ...." pimps or other terms with racial content.
Racism is as FMD, we never had in our herd, but we must never stop applying vaccine repudiating any form of racial humiliation that never in the HISTORY OF BRAZIL, a black man is beaten in the street simply by ethnicity and the color of their skin.
When police went into this method had already been abolished, so much that I never saw anyone being tortured this way. Just heard several stories from the ancients. Infringe physical suffering or threat to do it has always been a practice adopted to strike fear in humanity, respect and submission. That is why I am in favor of physical punishment as a penalty method to make some Eastern countries, particularly Muslim nations based on Sharia law. I know that my beliefs are unpopular and are not intended for me to apply myself to any crib like lamb. But I'm smart enough not to enforce my beliefs in my work, otherwise I would have tidied confusion in internal affairs and at worst in the assumptions would be arrested and expelled from the police for the heinous crimes of TORTURE.
It is obvious that the scenes painting Debret are reprehensible. I do not know what these slaves did, but who enslaves the next based only on the concept of ethnicity is that it should go to the stick-to-rail. The worst that these cretins did not beat us black people, they send black lash them was black as seen in the background image. I believe that many slaves who whipped his brethren suffered more in your awareness of what caught suffered in his flesh.
I imagine the mood of the black stick-to-macaw, and the other tied to the tree. Besides suffering as a slave with no expectation of any progress in life, they still had to endure terrible humiliation like this. Imagine you tied up and taking blows on the back before his wife and children, besides the condition of a slave??
Frankly I'm happy when I see some black people in my circle of acquaintances are in better social position. It took centuries of suffering for belonging to an ethnic group of slaves, poor and bandits. Every black man who wins in life should be an example of equality among human beings regardless of color of their skin.
These days I did an intensive course of 40 days of his police career and one of my teachers was delegated Cunha, a black bluebird with several courses for SWAT. An hour ago before publishing this post Investigator Reginald (black-bluebird) also suspects brought to my room to be questioned and I like to see blacks in the police, because it inhibits those who are predisposed to racism. So, I never saw any bad guys to take "tough" being humiliated by a policeman with words like "black bastard", "black son of a ...." pimps or other terms with racial content.
Racism is as FMD, we never had in our herd, but we must never stop applying vaccine repudiating any form of racial humiliation that never in the HISTORY OF BRAZIL, a black man is beaten in the street simply by ethnicity and the color of their skin.
Friday, October 22, 2010
The word maroon long been taken
as the Brazilian form of a term Angolan kilombu
(In Kimbundu, the main language of Angola and
say, 'camp', 'village', 'camp'). However,
modern Brazilian studies on this subject have
demonstrated that Angola played quilombo
a role completely opposite to the Quilombo
Brazil. [...] The maroons had to Angola
as an instrument of the slave trade in Africa
unlike the Brazilian who was always a pole
resistance to slavery.
(AZEVEDO, Antonio Carlos A. Dictionary of names, historical terms and concepts. Rio
de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1990, p. 329.)
But the persecution and punishment were not violent,
no means sufficient to prevent leakage,
quilombos and multiplied by all the provinces.
The fugitive sought in general, sites
inaccessible to hide, such as
woods or hills, although not to leave too
the villages ...
(LIMA, Lana Lage da Gama. Rebellion black abolitionism. Rio de Janeiro, Achiamé,
1981, p. 29.)
The word maroon long been taken
as the Brazilian form of a term Angolan kilombu
(In Kimbundu, the main language of Angola and
say, 'camp', 'village', 'camp'). However,
modern Brazilian studies on this subject have
demonstrated that Angola played quilombo
a role completely opposite to the Quilombo
Brazil. [...] The maroons had to Angola
as an instrument of the slave trade in Africa
unlike the Brazilian who was always a pole
resistance to slavery.
(AZEVEDO, Antonio Carlos A. Dictionary of names, historical terms and concepts. Rio
de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1990, p. 329.)
But the persecution and punishment were not violent,
no means sufficient to prevent leakage,
quilombos and multiplied by all the provinces.
The fugitive sought in general, sites
inaccessible to hide, such as
woods or hills, although not to leave too
the villages ...
(LIMA, Lana Lage da Gama. Rebellion black abolitionism. Rio de Janeiro, Achiamé,
1981, p. 29.)
This article aims to analyze some aspects
the process of forced migration or transfers
slave population toward the coffee regions, intensified in the second half of the nineteenth century, due to the abolition of slave trade.
The study focused on the region's Zone
State of Minas Gerais, particularly on the
its most important city: Juiz de Fora, principal
coffee producer and largest population hub
slave at the provincial level during the period covered.
The aforementioned slave trade of goods
presented with several faces, not only under
forms of sale, exchange, conditional sale,
pledge, mortgage, gift or lease, but fundamentally
involving an intricate network of owners
and slaves from the most varied
parts of the territory: from the municipality of Juiz de
Fora, Zona da Mata, in other regions of the province
or even beyond.
(MACHADO, Cláudio H. Tráfico interno de escravos na região de Juiz de Fora, na segunda
metade do século XIX. Disponível em:
pdf. Acessado em 24/09/07)
The Congo-Angola region was established as the main
Route supplier of slaves to Rio de Janeiro
during the eighteenth century. However, historian
Charles Boxer said that at least since the second
half of the sixteenth century, that area has been highlighted
as the main supplier of slaves for
Pernambuco, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. The relationship established
by the Portuguese in the kingdom of Bantu
Congo date of 1482, when it attempted a strategy
domain of African territory, through Christianization.
Frustrated, this initiative soon became
the holding of the slave trade. Legislation
Portuguese-based "rescue" of slaves, source
gains tax effective for the crown, encouraged
this kind of business with the Bantu kingdom of Congo,
incursions by promoting so-called territories,
later, Angola.
Initially, slaves were shipped through the port
of Mpinda (Cabinda), but the ever-
more blacks would pave the way for clandestine departures
other ports in the West African coast.
In an attempt to organize this trade, the Crown
signed contracts with the traffickers, usually by
a period of six years, granting them the right
making the "rescue" the kingdoms of Congo, Angola,
Loango and Benguela. The "right of redemption" granted
to Prince Henry in 1448 on the black
Guinea, was incorporated in a charter of April 7, 1753,
in which D. Jose I sent to the Overseas Council to
legitimation of that tax for every slave coming from those
(SANTOS, Nívia P. Cirne. O arquivo nacional e a história luso-brasileira. Disponível em :
37&sid=6&tpl=printerview. Acessado em 24/09/07.)
The black slavery in Brazil was the basis for relations
labor during the colonial and imperial. The
trafficking that fueled the development of slavery
Africans, however, did not profit from the trade
black children. Among the few children who
embarked on the African coast, the lower the amount
those that survived the Middle Passage to
Brazil. Thirty-five days lasted a trip
Angola to Pernambuco, forty and fifty to Bahia to Rio de Janeiro. [...]
The primary condition of being a slave is to be owned
someone. According Gorender (1980, p. 62),
slavery takes its full shape when deriving
two derivatives of this primary condition: the
perpetuity and heredity. Put another way,
slave and the slave dies his children will also be
slaves. In his capacity as property, the slave
becomes a thing, object. Ecclesiastes compared the slave
a donkey and Aristotle wrote that the bull serves
Slave to the poor; aquiliana Law in Rome
equated the murder of an alien slave
that of a quadruped, for the purpose of indemnity
owner injured; ordinations Portuguese
- Manuelinas and the Philippines - summarize in a single
text entitled to foundling slaves and beasts of diseases
or lameness when fraudulently sold
(Gorender, 1980, p. 64)
(LIMA, Antonio J. T.. Infância, resiliência e escravidão negra no contexto brasileiro. Disponível
em: Acessado em
A escravidão negra no Brasil foi a base das relações
de trabalho durante os períodos colonial e imperial. O
tráfico que alimentou o desenvolvimento da escravidão
dos africanos, contudo, não lucrou com o comércio
de crianças negras. Entre as poucas crianças que
embarcavam na costa africana, menor era a quantidade
das que sobreviviam à travessia do Atlântico até
o Brasil. Trinta e cinco dias durava uma viagem de
Angola até Pernambuco, quarenta até a Bahia e cinqüenta até o Rio de Janeiro. [...]
A condição primordial do ser escravo é de ser propriedade
de alguém. Segundo Gorender (1980, p. 62), a
escravidão assume sua forma completa quando decorrem
dois derivados desta condição primordial: a
perpetuidade e a hereditariedade. Dito de outra forma,
o escravo morre escravo e seus filhos serão também
escravos. Na sua condição de propriedade, o escravo
torna-se coisa, objeto. O Eclesiastes comparou o escravo
a um asno e Aristóteles escreveu que o boi serve
de escravo aos pobres; a Lei Aquiliana, em Roma,
equiparava o crime de morte de um escravo alheio
ao de um quadrúpede, para efeitos de indenização
do proprietário lesado; as ordenações portuguesas
– Manuelinas e Filipinas — sintetizam em um mesmo
texto o direito de enjeitar escravos e bestas por doenças
ou manqueira, quando dolosamente vendidos
(Gorender, 1980, p. 64)
(LIMA, Antonio J. T.. Infância, resiliência e escravidão negra no contexto brasileiro. Disponível
em: Acessado em
The Jesuit priest Antonio Vieira, who so diligently
engaged in protecting the Indians, found no
similar reasons for the safeguarding of blacks. As
Fray Bartolome de Las Casas, saw them in slavery
an indispensable means to the goal of diverting
harassment of the settlers to the Indians.
Preaching to the ingenuity of Blacks in Bahia, Vieira
gave the highest rating allowable human
equated to a Christian when their suffering
to Jesus Christ. Soon after, however, told
them to forced migration from Africa to Brazil
stemmed from a plan of Divine Providence, which,
this way, leading them to the path of salvation
of their souls.
(GORENDER. Jacob. Brasil em preto e branco: o passado escravista que não passou.
São Paulo: Senac, 2000, p.29, 30)
O Padre jesuíta Antonio Vieira, que com tanto afinco
se empenhou na proteção aos índios, não encontrou
razões idênticas para a salvaguarda dos negros. Como
frei Bartolomé de Las Casas, viu na escravização deles
um meio indispensável ao objetivo de desviar os
colonos do assédio aos indígenas.
Pregando aos negros num engenho da Bahia, Vieira
lhes deu a mais alta qualificação humana admissível
a um cristão quando equiparou o sofrimento deles
aos de Jesus Cristo. Logo em seguida, porém, disse-
lhes que a migração forçada da África ao Brasil
decorria de um desígnio da Providência Divina, que,
dessa maneira, os conduzia ao caminho da salvação
de suas almas.
(GORENDER. Jacob. Brasil em preto e branco: o passado escravista que não passou.
São Paulo: Senac, 2000, p.29, 30)
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